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Moving a Pet to South Africa

Rules and Regulations for International Pet Shipping

What Pet Travel Documents Are Needed to Travel to South Africa?

Moving pets to South Africa can become a bit complicated, especially if you have a dog. We've outlined the requirements below and you can also view them on the USDA website.

Import Permit

Cats and dogs traveling to South Africa require an import permit. This can take several weeks to be approved and receive a copy from the South African Government.



Dogs must be vaccinated for rabies at least 30 days but less than 12 months prior to export.

The following general vaccinations are not mandatory but are strongly recommended:

  • DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus)
  • Bordetella (Kennel Cough)
  • CIV (Canine Influenza Virus)
  • Leptospirosis

Cats are required to be vaccinated for rabies at least 30 days, but less than 12 months (1 year) prior to export.

The following general vaccinations are not mandatory but are strongly recommended:

  • FVRCP (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia)
  • Feline Leukemia (for outdoor cats)

Blood Tests (Dogs Only)

Dogs traveling to South Africa require several blood tests with very explicit instructions. It's extremely important that veterinarians request the correct test and send them to approved laboratories.

All tests must be performed within 30 prior to export and must produce a negative result. All tests (except T. evansi) must be completed at an "officially approved laboratory" in the United States - we strongly recommend Protatek Reference Lab. The T. evansi tests must be completed at an OIE Reference Laboratory in Belgium or Japan.

  • Brucella canis
    • Serum agglutination OR Rapid slide agglutination test
  • Trypanosmoa evansi
    • BOTH a Card agglutination test AND a Giemsa blood smear
    • (Both tests MUST be completed at an OIE Reference Laboratory)
  • Babesia gibsoni
    • TWO (2) tests are required:
      • Immunoflouresence antibody test OR ELISA using the BgTRAP antigen
      • AND a Giemsa blood smear OR Real-time PCR
  • Dirofilaria immitis
    • Microfilarial filtration test (this is the ONLY acceptable test)
  • Leishmaniosis
    • Indirect fluorescent antibody test OR ELISA test OR Direct agglutination test OR Western blot/membrane immunoassay

Cats do not require any blood testing for import to South Africa.

Parasite Treatments (Dogs Only)

Dogs are required to be treated for heartworm, ticks, and flies as follows. 

Dirofilaria immitis (heartworm)

Begin treatment after a negative test result for Dirofilaria has been received, and before (or on) the date the health certificate is completed. 

Leishmania and Babesia gibsoni

Dogs must be treated with an effective acaricide with insect repellent within 30 days prior to travel. The product must be effective against ticks and flies. A combination product (ex: K9 Advantix II) or multiple individual products (ex: both permethrin and an imidacloprid) can be used.

Health Certificates

An international health certificate for South Africa must be completed by a USDA-Accredited veterinarian within 10 days prior to travel. This document must also be endorsed by the USDA and the original certificate must travel with your pet.

Photo of Pet

While note required for import, we usually ask for pet photos if there is a question on the breed of the pet and for our records.

What Are the Pet Restrictions for South Africa?

Residency Requirement

Cats and dogs must have been living in the country of export since birth or for the last 6 months.

Do I Need a Microchip for My Pet to Travel to South Africa?

All dogs and cats traveling to South Africa are required to have a microchip. The microchip number must be recorded on all of their health paperwork. 

What Are the Quarantine Requirements for a Pet Traveling to South Africa?

Quarantine is not required for cats and dogs coming to South Africa unless they are found non-compliant with the pet import requirements upon arrival.

Top Destinations in South Africa

  • Johannesburg
  • Cape Town

Our South Africa pet travel services include:

  • Door-to-door pet transport 
  • Assistance with health certificates, import certificates, and other travel documents needed for pet travel to South Africa
  • USDA endorsement of documents
  • Airline-approved travel kennels provided with personalized labels, identification and emergency notification instructions
  • Customs clearance and delivery to your home
  • Travel consultation and flight reservations

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