Many pet owners are curious about how to get their pets ready for air travel. It's challenging enough to keep track of what your human family needs, let alone your furry companions. In this article, we've outlined some steps to help you prepare your pet for air travel.
Most countries require cats and dogs to have a 15-digit ISO-compatible microchip in order to travel. This serves as your pet's identification and the correct microchip number must be listed on all of your pet's paperwork.
Make sure you keep your information current with the microchip manufacturer website, especially when you're moving. If your pet were ever to get lost in your new home, searching the microchip number is key to contacting you.
It's always recommended to remind your vet to scan the microchip at every visit to ensure it is still working and to make sure the number is still correct in your pet's records.
As soon as you know your pet will be traveling, make an appointment with your vet to review the requirements for your destination. Some countries require months of preparation, so the sooner you get on top of the health requirements for your pet, the better.
It's also important to have some serious discussions with your vet about the overall health of your pet. You'll want to make sure they're truly healthy to fly, especially considering if your pet is older, has pre-existing health conditions, or is a brachycephalic (snub-nosed) breed.
Pets traveling by air need an IATA-compliant travel kennel for their trip. Since they will be spending a significant amount of time inside the kennel, it's important for them to see it as a positive, welcoming space – a place they recognize as their own. Purchase it as early as possible so they can get acclimated to it. Avoid using it for “time outs” or punishment. Instead, encourage your pet to play in it, enjoy treats in it, and nap in it – whatever helps them feel comfortable.
For added comfort, line the bottom of the kennel with something soft and absorbent (in case of an accident). Your pet can travel with a crate pad, thin blanket, t-shirt, or towel that smells like home, along with a pee-pee pad. The familiar scent of home can help reduce their anxiety during the journey. Just avoid sending any thick bedding (over 3 inches thick), litter boxes, or other personal belongings, as these are not permitted on the plane with your pet.
Not all airlines or flights are necessarily pet friendly or even allow pets on the plane. While you may have your own flight preference, the options for pets may differ. It's important to select the most direct option possible for your pet. If your pet does need to transit, make sure it's at an airport that has an onsite pet facility so they can be given a proper comfort stop. For example, KLM has a pet facility in Amsterdam and Lufthansa has one in Frankfurt.
Whenever a pet is flying, they will require a final exam and health certificate close to their travel date. When pets are flying from the United States to other countries, this has to be completed by a USDA Accredited veterinarian and then endorsed by the USDA. The timing and type of health certificate required will depend on the destination. You can find the health certificates directly on the USDA APHIS website.
Who doesn’t feel more at ease after a good bath? While a bath might not enhance your pet's safety, it will certainly boost their happiness. If your pet has long fur and is heading to a warmer climate, consider giving them a haircut. Additionally, a fresh nail trim will ensure they remain safe and comfortable during their trip.
Ensuring your pet is ready for air travel can be complex. Professional pet shippers like Starwood can alleviate some of the stress. These pet travel companies handle pet transportation daily, are familiar with the best airlines and flight routes, and can help ensure your pet's journey is smooth and trouble-free.